Key Amendments to Saudi Arabia’s Labor and Investment Laws Under Vision 2030

The Saudi Council of Ministers has recently approved a comprehensive set of amendments to the Kingdom’s labor and investment laws, which are slated to take effect in February 2025. These legislative changes are integral to Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, aimed at transforming the Kingdom into a globally competitive economy and an attractive destination for investment. The labor law amendments, announced by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD), seek to enhance employee rights, clarify employer responsibilities, and modernize the legal framework governing labor relations. Together, these reforms mark a significant step towards realizing Vision 2030’s economic diversification, job creation, and sustainable growth goals.

Overview of the Labor Law Amendments:

The amendments will replace and update several provisions of the Labor Law 2005, issued by Royal Decree Number M/51. They will introduce new regulations to improve the labor market’s efficiency and fairness. These updates include key changes to wage and compensation regulations, resignation procedures, termination rights, probation periods, leave entitlements, and anti-discrimination measures. The amendments also emphasize the importance of training and development, particularly for Saudi nationals, as part of the broader strategy to build a skilled workforce supporting the Kingdom’s economic diversification goals.

Key Changes and their Implications

Wage and Compensation Regulations:

The amendments include significant revisions to wage and compensation regulations, ensuring fair and timely payment to employees. Employers will be required to adhere strictly to these regulations to avoid legal penalties and disputes.

Resignation and Termination Procedures:

– The law now provides a clear definition of resignation, emphasizing that it must be a written and uncoerced expression of an employee’s desire to terminate their employment.

– New provisions detail the process of resignation acceptance, including the right of employers to delay acceptance for valid reasons and the right of employees to withdraw their resignation within a specific timeframe.

– Bankruptcy has been added as a lawful reason for the termination of employment contracts.

Probation Period Adjustments:

– The probation period has been extended from the current 90 days to 180 days, allowing both employers and employees more time to evaluate their compatibility.

– During this period, either party retains the right to terminate the contract, with the specific terms and conditions to be detailed in the Executive Regulations.


Updated Leave Entitlements:

– Paternity leave has been formalized, with male employees now entitled to three days of leave within seven days following the birth of a child.

– Bereavement leave has been expanded to include three days for the death of a sibling, in addition to the existing leave for the death of ascendants and descendants.

– Maternity leave has been extended to 12 weeks, with a mandatory six-week period following childbirth. Women can begin their leave up to four weeks before the expected delivery date.


Anti-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Measures:

– Employers are now legally obligated to ensure equal opportunities in the workplace, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, sex, age, disability, marital status, or any other discriminatory factor.

– This protection extends to both employees and job applicants, reinforcing the Kingdom’s commitment to creating an inclusive work environment.


Training and Development Obligations:

– Employers must now develop and implement comprehensive training policies aimed at enhancing the technical, administrative, vocational, and other skills of Saudi nationals.

– These policies are intended to support the Saudization goals of Vision 2030 by equipping the local workforce with the skills needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving economy.


Employee Rights and Appeals:

– The amendments introduce a formal right for employees to appeal against disciplinary sanctions within 30 days.

– If an employer rejects an appeal or fails to respond within 15 days, the employee can take their case to the Labor Court, ensuring that their grievances are addressed on time.


Accommodation and Transportation Requirements:

– Employers are now required to either provide accommodation and transportation to their employees or offer a cash allowance instead of these benefits.

– This amendment imposes a statutory obligation on employers, reflecting the Kingdom’s efforts to improve living and working conditions for all employees.

The key takeaway for all companies operating in Saudi Arabia is the need to thoroughly review and update their employment contracts, handbooks, and policies in light of these new amendments. Compliance with the revised labor law will be crucial, as failure to adhere to the new regulations could result in significant legal and financial penalties. Employers should also prepare for the implementation of these changes by updating their internal procedures, particularly regarding resignation processes, probation periods, and employee rights to appeal.


Moreover, in tandem with these labor law amendments, Saudi Arabia has also introduced a new investment law, which will come into effect on February 7, 2025. This law represents a major overhaul of the existing investment regime, aligning with Vision 2030’s goals to diversify the Saudi economy and make the Kingdom a more attractive destination for both foreign and domestic investment.

Highlights of the New Investment Law

Broadened Scope and Equal Treatment:

The new law regulates both foreign and domestic investors, replacing the previous Foreign Investment Law, and enshrines the principle of equal treatment, ensuring that all investors, whether local or international, are treated fairly and justly under similar circumstances.


Eased Regulatory Restrictions:

– The investment license regime will be replaced with a simplified registration process, streamlining the investment procedures and reducing bureaucratic hurdles.

– MISA (Ministry of Investment Saudi Arabia) will also establish and maintain a national register of investors, further enhancing transparency and governance.


Balanced Investor Rights and Protections:

– The law introduces a comprehensive set of rights and protections for investors, including protection against confiscation and expropriation, freedom to transfer or repatriate funds, and the right to manage and dispose of investments.

– Intellectual property and trade secrets are also explicitly protected under the new law.


Promoting Fair Competition and Investment Incentives:

– The law promotes competitive neutrality and fairness, ensuring equal investment opportunities and a level playing field between public and private sector entities.

– It provides a clear framework for granting investment incentives based on objective and fair eligibility criteria.


Enhanced Dispute Resolution Mechanisms:

– Investors will have access to effective dispute resolution mechanisms, including arbitration and mediation, providing them with multiple avenues to resolve conflicts.

– The law also introduces a new regime for handling violations, with penalties ranging from warnings to fines and cancellation of investor registration.

Conclusion: Navigating the New Legal Landscape

The labor law amendments and the new investment law are both critical components of Saudi Arabia’s broader Vision 2030 initiative, which seeks to modernize the Kingdom’s economy, attract international investment, and create a more equitable labor market. These changes present challenges and opportunities for businesses operating in Saudi Arabia. Ensuring compliance with the new regulations will require careful planning and a proactive approach to updating internal policies and procedures. At the same time, the new investment law offers a more favorable and transparent environment for investors, signaling Saudi Arabia’s commitment to becoming a global investment hub.

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